This guide is intended to introduce you to Open Educational Resources (OERs).
The guide includes OER used by CSI faculty and recommendations for discipline-specific resources.
If you are a faculty member interested in using OER materials for your course, please contact Christina Boyle, OER Library Liaison.
If you are a student who has taken courses using OER and would like to share your experiences, please email us your thoughts.
Unless otherwise noted, this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA license.
This guide was designed by Betsy Yoon.
Open Educational Resources (OER), are free and openly available instructional materials (including textbooks) that are born digital and available from anywhere with an internet connection.
This content is adapted from Open Oregon Educational Resources and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Since the launch of CSI's OER program in 2017 to 2023, students have saved $1,621,135 in textbook costs.
Browse this guide to learn more about how you can convert your course to OER, the tools available to you, and what faculty at CSI are already using.
Not sure where to start?
Topic to learn about...
definition, FAQs, open licensing
tutorials, scholarly research
find OER by discipline and/or type
how to make your own OER.
delivering OER
There is limited funding available for CSI faculty via the CUNY OER Initiative grant.
Funding applies to original OER creation (textbooks, supplemental educational materials, assessment creations, etc.), as well as conversion of courses to using only ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost) materials.
If you are interested in applying for funding or you have additional questions, please reach out to Professor Christina Boyle, Emerging Technologies Librarian and OER Coordinator:
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