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Archives & Special Collections

Make a Donation

Financial Support

The Archives & Special Collections at the College of Staten Island grows mostly through financial support from individuals. Donations to support operational activities have enabled us to purchase special equipment, like an overhead digital scanner. Funding for special projects help us to complete conservation projects like preserving a nineteenth century Staten Island atlas. If you would like to make a financial contribution to fund special projects, collection development, equipment, and supplies, please contact

Special Funding Opportunity

The CSI Library is raising money to preserve an 18th century manuscript created by William Gamble (c. 1730-1794), who served as Commissary of Provisions for British troops on Staten Island near the end of the American Revolution. The manuscript pages are in pieces and cannot be handled. We need financial support from individuals to send the manuscript to a conservation lab. Conservators will put the pages back together so that researchers can consult the manuscript. A digital copy will also be created for remote use. For more information on William Gamble and his manuscript, see:

To make a donation, contact

Donate Collection Materials

The Archives & Special Collections at the College of Staten Island grows mostly through the donations of collection material from individuals in accordance with our history and mission.

Subject areas of interest:

  • College of Staten Island and its predecessors (Richmond College, Staten Island Community College)
  • Willowbrook State School
  • Halloran General Hospital
  • Staten Island environmental history
  • Staten Island political history
  • Staten Island community groups

Examples of material we collect:

  • maps
  • postcards
  • photographs
  • books
  • pamphlets
  • programs
  • personal papers (letters, journals, notes)
  • organizational records
  • recordings (audio or video)

Contact about making a donation.