Form Name | Use this form to... |
Library Access Request Form | Please fill out this form at least 48 hours before your requested visit date and time, and specify the reason for needing access to the Library. If you are looking to meet with our Head Archivist, Professor James Kaser, please make an appointment with him prior to filling out this form by emailing |
Appeals Form | Question or dispute a Library fine on your account. |
Reach out to a CSI librarian with a question. Librarians are available to guide you to appropriate resources for your research project, assist you to develop successful research strategies, and help you search print and electronic resources effectively. | |
Donation Request Form | This form is used to donate books or videos (DVD's only) to our general collection. Please note that the CSI Library cannot accept material donations with conditions as to their location or disposition, in poor shape, or that are inconsistent with our collection development policy. Donors will only receive a letter acknowledging receipt of donations. The letter will not include any appraisal of their monetary value. Appraisals for tax purposes are the responsibility of the donor. Books added to the collection will be identified with gift plates, as determined by the library. |
E-Reserves Request Form | Submit materials that you would like to be added into the Library's online reserves system. |
Feedback | Share your thoughts, concerns, or questions about our services, resources, and spaces. |
Library Instruction | Request Library Instruction for your class that addresses a research-related assignment. Our instruction librarians can provide a variety of in-person, synchronous and asynchronous forms of instruction, depending on your needs and what works best for your students' assignments. |
Print Reserves Request Form |
This form is for faculty to request the library acquire print textbooks or to request that materials already owned by the Library be moved from the general collection to Reserves. To place a faculty owned copy of a required textbook or course material in the Reserve collection, please contact Circulation at ext.4011.
Purchase Request Form | This form is for faculty to recommend monographs for the Library to purchase and add to the general collection. Faculty may use this form to also request the Library add their authored book(s) to the Faculty Display collection in the Rotunda of the library. |
Report | Report an issue in the Library. |
Research Appointments | Schedule an appointment with a librarian. This consultation service is open to any CSI faculty, staff, or students who need assistance with in-depth research questions. |
Library Theater Booking Form | The Library Theater may be reserved by faculty and staff for classroom film screenings or related events. Max capacity: 30. Please allow at least two weeks' advance notice. |
Video Request Form | This form is for faculty to recommend audio-visual, media items (e.g., DVDs or streaming) for the Library to purchase and add to the library's media collection in Circulation/ Reserves or online platforms. |
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