The College of Staten Island (CSI) Library is an academic library that serves a diverse population of students, staff and faculty, as well as the general public.
Library patrons can expect that the Library will protect their privacy and rights to research and education in a facility that supports learning in both group and individual settings. To ensure that all patrons and visitors are able to use library resources and services effectively, patrons must take responsibility for their behavior.
Some behavior and activity limits the Library’s ability to offer services. Therefore, patrons of the Library are asked to refrain from activities including, but not limited to:
The Department of the Library asks that all patrons respect the rights of each individual to study and do research in a peaceful environment. People who are found to be violating these policies will be asked to refrain from such behavior.
If a person’s actions continue to disturb library patrons or staff, the person will be asked to leave the Library. Public Safety will be notified in instances where a person’s actions or behavior might jeopardize the safety of any library patrons or staff member, the reputation and property of the university, or for continued noncompliance of the above CSI Library policies.
Portions of this text have been adapted from the Shoen Library at Marylhurst University
To report noise or food violations in the Library, or other disturbances, please use this form:
Violation of this policy may result in the loss of library privileges.
The CSI Library aims to provide a quiet and comfortable study environment. Noise from the use of cell phones is disruptive to this environment. Therefore, the use of these devices in the Library is strictly prohibited. The Library requests that all cell phone users set their phones to vibrate while they are in the building. Persons wishing to receive or make cell phone calls may do so in the entrance lobby on the first floor. Library staff reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the Library if she/he is using a cell phone or disturbing others in any area of the Library.
Violation of this policy may result in the loss of library privileges.
The goal of collection development at the College of Staten Island (CSI) Library is to create and maintain a collection of information resources that enhances the college’s curriculum and supports the library's overall mission. The development of CSI Library collections assist with the research activities of students, faculty, and the community; promote lifelong learning and information literacy; provide fair access to high quality yet cost-effective resources in a variety of formats; and encourages diversity and inclusion from its collections.
In particular, collection development activities by the CSI Library and departmental faculty include the selection and deselection of resources. The curriculum of the college provides the main guidelines for the selection of library materials. Materials are primarily collected in subject areas in which students are expected to conduct research.The college supports research from the associate to the doctoral level; therefore, the CSI Library collects and maintains a balance of integrated resources to meet these needs.
The CSI Library collects materials in numerous formats based on the availability, cost, disciplinary requirements, and the professional discretion of library faculty. The library will collect resources in various electronic forms while acknowledging that print resources will remain of critical importance to collect and preserve, especially related to the cultural heritage of the community. On occasion, the library may decide to develop specialty collections that further supports college’s curriculum and community (e.g., graphic novels, nonfiction bestsellers).
The CSI Library acquires materials to serve faculty needs if the materials support the college’s curriculum. When the CSI Library does not hold the desired resource, Interlibrary loan, document delivery, and other types of resource sharing—both within and outside of CUNY- are available to faculty, as well as students, to facilitate scholarship in these instances
Specific evaluative criteria applied when choosing individual collection items include some of the following:
Faculty and student requests are welcome to recommend materials for the collections. However, the CSI Library will only acquire resources that are in concert with it's completed Collection Development Policy and the professional judgment of librarians. Please view the CSI Library's topic guide on Collection Development and Maintenance.
The CSI Library provides access to computers for the purpose of conducting online research and accessing the library’s electronic resources.
Given the limited number of workstations available, priority is given to students conducting library research or working on course-related assignments. Students who wish to simply surf the web, check their e-mail, or play videogames are strongly encouraged to use the facilities at the campus Computer Labs, Cybercafe (IL), or Campus Center (1C).
In order to access any computer on campus, including those in the library, students need a computer user ID and password from the Office of Information Technology (OIT). If you forget your computer login password, go to the OIT helpdesk on first floor of the Library in front of 1L-109A or call 718.982.3695. For more information on accessing campus computers, see Laboratory Login Procedures.
Students and faculty from other CUNY schools, CSI Alumni, and students from Empire State College who wish to use a computer must bring a valid ID to the OIT office in 2A-306D to request a guest computer login for each visit. Please refer to the OIT website for their office hours.
Films on DVD can be borrowed from the Circulation/Reserves desk on the first floor. Currently enrolled College of Staten Island students, faculty and staff may borrow films on DVD for a period of three days.
Borrower Requirements
No food or drink is permitted in the library, with the exception of drinks in closable containers.
Violation of this policy may result in the loss of library privileges.
The CSI Library welcomes gifts, material donations to its collection, or the funds to purchase new collection materials. Materials or funds will be accepted with the expectation that they are consistent with the library’s collection development policy. The CSI Library cannot accept gifts, material donations, or funds with conditions as to their disposition or location. Donors will receive a letter acknowledging only receipt of gifts, donations, or funds. The letter will not include appraisal of the monetary value of gifts. Appraisals for tax purposes are the responsibility of the donor. Some books added to the collection will be identified with gift plates, as determined by the library.
The library’s policy concerning gifts is as follows:
Group study rooms are available for use for current CSI students.
Each student can book one study room session per day (2 hr session). If there is availability when it is due you can renew for an additional session (2 hr loan max).
The Library has 10 study rooms available for students (8 undergraduate rooms, 2 graduate study rooms). Students can reserve a room for up to 2 hours at a time. A CSI email address is required to make a reservation. For a list of available times, see: The name on your reservation must match the name on your ID. Headphones or earbuds required for audio.
Study rooms are located on the 2nd Floor that are available for two-hour periods to CSI students working in groups. Registration is required Group study rooms. Affter registration is approved the key can be checked out at the Circulation/Reserve Desk on the 1st floor of the library. Two valid IDs are needed to checkout a group study room. two students mustbe present in the study room at all times, and no more then six.
Group study rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis. Group members can be present a valid CSI ID Card to the Circulation/Reserves Desk staff in order to checkout a study room. The maximum allowed occupancy is six group members, Two students must be present to both check-out and renew a study room. One student will be checked out the room key and the other student will be checked out a plaque detailing group study room policies.
Undergraduate study rooms: are to be used by a minimum of 2 and no more than 6 individuals. No more than one room can be used by a single group at a given time. If there are more then two individuals present, the room can be recalled and all parties maybe unable to borrow a study room in the future.
Graduate study rooms: are to be used by a minimum of 2 graduate students and no more than 12 people. No more than one room can be used by a single group at a given time. If there are not two individuals present, the room can be recalled.
Rooms are available for up to two hours. Rooms can be renewed if:
Renewals can only be initiated in the last five minutes of the rental period and both individuals must be present for renewal.
We ask that you close the door when the room is in use. Please note that the rooms are not soundproof! Group conversations must not disturb other library users. Violation of noise policy can result in the loss of library privileges. Headphones are required for any audio.
Food is not permitted in the library, including Group study rooms. Closed drink containers are allowed.
The students registering for the group are responsible for the room key and the condition of the room. They must occupy the room for the entire length of time the room is in use. Please dispose of all trash, return all furniture to its original arrangement, and lock the door on the way out.
Keys and Policy Cards are non-transferable and may not be taken outside of the library. Keys and Policy Cards must be returned to the Circulation/Reserves Desk 5 minutes before the expiration of the time allotted and within 15 minutes of the library’s closing. A fine of $10.00 will be charged for every 15 minutes the key and Policy Card is late. A fine of $50.00 will be charged for a lost key and Policy Card.
Violation of these guidelines may result in the loss of library privileges and the future access to study room rental.
Everyone entering the library must show a current, validated identification card from the College of Staten Island (DolphinCard), any other college within the City University of New York (CUNY); or from Empire State University, to the Public Safety Officer at the Security Desk at the entrance to the library building. This ID card is also required to borrow circulating books, DVDs, and course reserve materials. A valid CSI email account is required for off-campus access to the Library’s electronic resources and databases.
The CSI Library is a member of the larger consortium of CUNY Libraries, which provides library services to the 25 campuses that make up CUNY. CSI students, faculty, and staff with valid CSI ID cards may access and borrow books from any library within the CUNY system. Users can request books from other CUNY libraries through the OneSearch. Users may also access databases and electronic resources for which CUNY Central has purchased university-wide licenses. CUNYFirst usernames and passwords are used to access CUNY-wide databases from off-campus.
ID cards can be obtained at the Office of Parking & DolphinCard Services, located in West Administration Building 3A Room 106.
Members of the CSI Continuing Education program sponsored by Local 1199, visiting scholars, CSI alumni, and retired CSI faculty and staff members may use the Library. They may borrow books, DVDs, and other materials by presenting a current, validated identification card. Alumni may obtain a CSI Alumni Card through the CSI Alumni Association, located in 1A-110. (Please note: due to publisher restrictions, we are not able to provide access to online resources to alumni.) All other groups listed above should contact the Office of Parking & DolphinCard Services, located in 3A-106, to obtain a valid CSI identification card.
Students and faculty may bring children into the library while they work as long as the children are supervised and not disruptive to other Library patrons. CUNY policy states that all children on University property should never be left unattended. In the event that a parent or guardian of a child fails to adequately supervise his or her child, the parent or guardian will be asked to remove the child from the premises.
The CSI Library charges fines for lost, damaged, and overdue materials. Borrowers are entirely responsible for returning in good condition all library materials, regardless of circumstances that may occur over the period of the loan. All patrons are subject to fines for overdue, damaged, or lost materials.
Students who have outstanding library fines of $25 and above will have a Library stop placed on their account. Library stops can only be removed after the fine is paid in person at the Bursar’s Office (2A-105). Library Stops can take up to 24 hours to clear. Questions regarding library fines should be directed to the library’s Circulation Desk (718.982.4011) or submitted via our Appeals form:
Every CUNY library has its own policy regarding charging fines. Please check the CUNY Circulation page to view individual library policies.
Overdue Circulating Books | 25 cents per day (including days on which the Library is closed) to a maximum of the current price of the book. |
Overdue Reserve Materials | 2-Hour Reserve Loans: 10 cents per minute (or $6.00 per hour). Reserve materials not returned by the time the Library closes but kept overnight will result in an additional $20 fine per night. 7-Day Reserve Loans: $5 per day (including days on which the Library is closed). |
Study Room Keys | 2-hour Loan: A fine of $1.50 will be charged for every 15 minutes the key is late (.10 a minute). A fine of $50.00 will be charged for a lost key in addition to late fines. |
Recalled Books | $1 per day after the due date. |
Overdue Computer Software (CDROMS) | $5 per day (including days on which the Library is closed). |
Calculators (3 day loan) |
$5 per day (including days on which the Library is closed). |
Calculators (4 hour) |
10 cents per minute (or $6.00 per hour). |
Replacement Cost | Processing Fee | |
Lost Books | The price of a new copy of the book or $150 dollars if the book is out of Print | $25 |
Damaged Books | An amount to be determined by the nature and extent of the damage, not to exceed the price of the book. | $25 |
Lost DVDs | Price of the DVD | $25 |
Lost Study Room Key | A fine of $25.00 will be charged for a lost key. | $25 |
If a borrowed item (i.e. book, calculator, laptop or iPad) is damaged or lost, the borrower will be held responsible for the repair or replacement cost of the damage or full cost of the lost item. If fees are not paid for damaged or lost item, registration will be blocked and transcripts will not be released. Library privileges will also be suspended at all CUNY campuses.
Request for access to research resources at the CSI Library will be given to visiting scholars and researchers who are actively collaborating with CSI faculty or administrators on current research and/or contributing to CSI’s academic and research mission by lecture and/or grant activities. The CSI sponsoring entity will be responsible for paying any library fees or fines incurred by visiting scholar or researcher.
Access to CSI Library resources will be given to scholars and researchers for a maximum of 90 days, to be renewed upon request by sponsoring entity. Spouse of a Visiting Scholar or Researcher may also obtain access to Library privileges (with the same expiration date) with approval from sponsoring entity.
Library privileges
Individuals who meet the CSI Library Visiting Scholar requirements are eligible for an email account and a CSI Dolphin ID Card. The email account will enable on-site and remote access to electronic resources subscriptions. Email account can be obtained from the Office of Technology Systems HelpDesk in 2A-306D by providing documentation from the CSI sponsoring entity. The Dolphin ID Card is to be presented at the CSI Library Circulation/Reserves Desk for a barcode. The barcode will provide access to enter the Library and also to borrow materials. ID cards are issued at the Office of Parking & Dolphin Card Services, located in West Administration Building (3A Room 106).
Individuals who meet the CSI Library Visiting Scholar/Researcher requirements will gain access to:
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