The goal of collection development at the College of Staten Island (CSI) Library is to create and maintain a collection of information resources that enhances the college’s curriculum and supports the library's overall mission. The development of CSI Library collections assist with the research activities of students, faculty, and the community; promote lifelong learning and information literacy; provide fair access to high quality yet cost-effective resources in a variety of formats; and encourages diversity and inclusion from its collections.
In particular, collection development activities by the CSI Library and departmental faculty include the selection and deselection of resources. The curriculum of the college provides the main guidelines for the selection of library materials. Materials are primarily collected in subject areas in which students are expected to conduct research.The college supports research from the associate to the doctoral level; therefore, the CSI Library collects and maintains a balance of integrated resources to meet these needs.
The CSI Library collects materials in numerous formats based on the availability, cost, disciplinary requirements, and the professional discretion of library faculty. The library will collect resources in various electronic forms while acknowledging that print resources will remain of critical importance to collect and preserve, especially related to the cultural heritage of the community. On occasion, the library may decide to develop specialty collections that further supports college’s curriculum and community (e.g., graphic novels, nonfiction bestsellers).
The CSI Library acquires materials to serve faculty needs if the materials support the college’s curriculum. When the CSI Library does not hold the desired resource, Interlibrary loan, document delivery, and other types of resource sharing—both within and outside of CUNY- are available to faculty, as well as students, to facilitate scholarship in these instances
Specific evaluative criteria applied when choosing individual collection items include some of the following:
Faculty and student requests are welcome to recommend materials for the collections. However, the CSI Library will only acquire resources that are in concert with it's completed Collection Development Policy and the professional judgment of librarians. Please view the CSI Library's guide on Collection Development and Maintenance.
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