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Library Instruction

LIB 102 - Beyond Google: Research for College Success

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The course provides students with foundational research skills needed to succeed in college, including how to develop well thought out research strategies, and effectively use library research tools and new media sources. Students will be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and use appropriate information resources in keeping with academic integrity and ethical standards. Students will partake in in-class exercises, quizzes, and will produce a final project in the form of an annotated bibliography.

LIB 102 is a one-credit seven and a half week elective course that meets once a week and is open to all students. This is a ZERO Textbook Cost course that is taught using Open Educational Resources rather than a traditional cost-bearing textbook. For more information about OER, see this guide.

Course Objective

  • Students will be able to understand key methods and use appropriate tools to identify, locate, and evaluate information.
  • Students will be able to develop and refine an academic research topic/question.
  • Students will be able to think critically about information and communications media.

Example Evidence that Objective Can Be Met

  • Students will create and update a cumulative class project, and critically respond to weekly course assignments that explore various aspects of the contemporary information environment (e.g., social media, the news media, and scholarly publications).
  • Students will produce a final research project that will culminate in an annotated bibliography on a subject of their choosing.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of multiple perspectives through participation in classroom presentations and writing exercises.

Spring 2025 Schedule

The following classes meet for THE ENTIRE 15 week semester:

Modality, Days & Times

Meeting Dates Location Instructor Registration Notes

Online synchronous

Tuesdays 10:10am-11am

1/25 - 5/22 Zoom Prof. Mark Aaron Polger


The following classes meet in the FIRST HALF of the semester:

Modality, Days & Times Meeting Dates Location Instructor Registration Notes

Online Synchronous

Friday 12:20 - 2:15pm

1/25 - 3/21 Zoom Prof. Christina Boyle