Thanks to Leah Greis for her contributions to this research guide.
John Berger's seminal text on how to look at art. John Berger's Ways of Seeing is one of the most stimulating and the most influential books on art in any language.
This monumental new book explores the recent history of exhibition-making, looking at the radical shifts that have taken place in the practice of curating contemporary art over the last 20 years.
The Art of Writing about Art serves as a quick reference for students writing various types of essays, research papers, exhibition reviews, and even examinations.
A beautifully illustrated hundred-year history of modern art, from cubism to pop and avant-guard. This is a seminal text in art history.
Citations and abstracts from over 400 leading art publications throughout the world covering the fields of art history, architecture, graphic design, photography, sculpture, and museology. Find feature articles, artist profiles, exhibit reviews, and art reproductions. This database offers abstracts and indexing of an international array of peer-selected publications including non-Western art.
Coverage Dates: Indexing from 1984. Abstracts from 1994.
The CSI library no longer provides subscription access to Artstor, however about 2 million images are available in publicly accessible collections at the link above. Images include materials in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences. Artstor also includes about 400,000 images in the public domain that can be freely downloaded from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. An additional 85,000 images are available at The Met Collection. More freely available content is accessible at Smithsonian Open Access which houses 3 million images and objects from all 19 Smithsonian museums and centers.
Full text access to complete back runs of scholarly journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Coverage for most journals does not include the last 3-5 years. Users can search across the entire database or limit their search to journals in specific subject disciplines. Click here for a search tutorial. Many scholarly eBooks are also available on the platform.
Coverage Dates: 1665 to present
One-stop searching for books, journal, newspaper, and magazine articles, and media
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