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Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

This LibGuide describes the CSI Library's resources and services that are relevant for learning and research in Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies.

Examples of WGSS Books

Call Numbers

Because books are arranged in the library by subject, and located on the shelf by call number, you can use call number ranges to find the section of the library where the books in your discipline live. Here are some call number ranges of interest:

HQ: The Family. Marriage. Women.

  • HQ12-449 Sexual life. (including homosexuality and transsexuality)
  • HQ1075-1075.5 Sex roles.
  • HQ1088-1090.7 Men.
  • HQ1101-2030.7 Women. Feminism.

Key Words

OneSearch is the best place to look for books at CSI, because it searches our physical and e-book collections at the same time.

Basic search: best when you know the title of the book you're looking for. Type it in and hit search

Advanced search: best when you have a topic and want to see what we have. Click the ADVANCED SEARCH link to the right of the basic search box.

Keywords: add your main search term and add a focus term in the second line. Here are some ideas for keywords in WGSS

Combine terms using AND, or add a term to the second line in an advanced search. To search synonyms, separate terms with OR:


  • Coming out (Sexual orientation)
  • Gay liberation movement
  • Gender identity
  • Gender identity in art
  • Gender identity in mass media
  • Feminism
  • Feminist theory
  • Homosexuality OR lgbt OR gay OR lesbian
  • Men’s studies
  • Sex role
  • Sexual minorities -- identity
  • Women’s studies
  • Transgenderism
  • Transgender people
  • Queer theory

Relating to Identity Groups in a Historical Context

  • Gay men AND United States
  • Lesbians AND 20th century
  • Bisexuals AND history
  • "Transgender people" AND history

Relating to Literature

  • "Coming out" (or try "Sexual orientation") AND Fiction
  • Gender identity in literature
  • Masculinity in literature
  • Sex in literature
  • Transgender people in literature
  • Transsexuals AND Fiction
  • Transsexuals AND Biography
  • Women in literature