Phone: 718-982-4011
The Circulation/Reserves Desk is open the same hours as the CSI Library
Please note: all materials must be retuned to the Desk 15 minutes prior to closing
The following may borrow materials from College of Staten Island college libraries:
In order to check out an item
Your 8-digit EMPLid is required In order to check out library materials. Your CUNYFIRST login is required to access your library account, or request items from other CUNY LIbraries. (the library is no longer using barcodes that need to be obtained at the circulation desk)
Students, faculty, and staff holding a valid Dolphin or CUNY ID card equipped with a EMPLid ID can check out circulating library materials at the Circulation Desk on the first floor. A valid Dolphin or CUNY ID card entitles the card holder to entry and borrowing privileges at all CUNY college libraries. CUNY library users may return CUNY library books to any of the CUNY college libraries.
Students, faculty, and staff can obtain a DolphinCard from the Office of Parking & DolphinCard Services, located in West Administration Building 3A Room 106, during regularly scheduled business hours. Alumni can obtain a CSI Alumni Association ID by contacting the Alumni Affairs Office at 718.982.2290 or
Circulating materials refer to any item in the library catalog marked “Regular Loan”. Circulating items may be renewed twice online or in person. Items marked “Non-circulating”, such as reference books, or “Reserve Loan”, such as course reserves, can only be used inside the library and cannot circulate outside the library.
There is a limit of ten (10) books per day, with no total limit throughout the semester. *It is possible to have books with different due dates, you are responsible for when they are due.
Borrower | Loan Period |
Undergraduate Students | 16 weeks |
Masters Students | 16 weeks |
Doctoral Students | 16 weeks |
CSI Faculty | 16 weeks |
Other CUNY Faculty | 16 weeks |
All Staff | 16 weeks |
For a full list of CUNY's borrowing policies, see the Office of Library Service's Circulation Policies page.
Renewing Loans
Can I renew items I have checked out?
You can renew the loan period for something if no hold has been placed on it by another user, if you have not reached the maximum number of renewals, and if your account is in good standing. To avoid overdue fines and blocked renewals, renew items on or before the due date. Reserve items, laptops, DVDs, and other selected items may not be renewed online.
How do I renew?
Library users can manage their account online via One Search. Click on "Sign In" on the top right-hand side of the page and log in with your library barcode.:
Why am I unable to renew?
Renewals will not be granted if:
Note: Patrons can renew an item 2 times. Renewals will not be granted if the item is overdue, renewal limit has been exceeded, there is a block on the borrower’s record, or the item has been requested by another user (has a hold on it). Reserve items cannot be renewed.
The CSI Library charges fines for lost, damaged, and overdue materials. Borrowers are entirely responsible for returning in good condition all library materials, regardless of circumstances that may occur over the period of the loan. All patrons are subject to fines for overdue, damaged, or lost materials.
Students who have outstanding library fines of $25 and above will have a Library stop placed on their account. Library stops can only be removed after the fine is paid in person at the Bursar’s Office (2A-105). Library Stops can take up to 24 hours to clear. Questions regarding library fines should be directed to the library’s Circulation Desk (718.982.4011) or submitted via our Appeals form:
Every CUNY library has its own policy regarding charging fines. Please check the CUNY Circulation page to view individual library policies.
Overdue Circulating Books | 25 cents per day (including days on which the Library is closed) to a maximum of the current price of the book. |
Overdue Reserve Materials | 2-Hour Reserve Loans: 10 cents per minute (or $6.00 per hour). Reserve materials not returned by the time the Library closes but kept overnight will result in an additional $20 fine per night. 7-Day Reserve Loans: $5 per day (including days on which the Library is closed). |
Study Room Keys | 2-hour Loan: A fine of $1.50 will be charged for every 15 minutes the key is late (.10 a minute). A fine of $50.00 will be charged for a lost key in addition to late fines. |
Recalled Books | $1 per day after the due date. |
Overdue Computer Software (CDROMS) | $5 per day (including days on which the Library is closed). |
Calculators (3 day loan) |
$5 per day (including days on which the Library is closed). |
Calculators (4 hour) |
10 cents per minute (or $6.00 per hour). |
Replacement Cost | Processing Fee | |
Lost Books | The price of a new copy of the book or $150 dollars if the book is out of Print | $25 |
Damaged Books | An amount to be determined by the nature and extent of the damage, not to exceed the price of the book. | $25 |
Lost DVDs | Price of the DVD | $25 |
Lost Study Room Key | A fine of $25.00 will be charged for a lost key. | $25 |
If a borrowed item (i.e. book, calculator, laptop or iPad) is damaged or lost, the borrower will be held responsible for the repair or replacement cost of the damage or full cost of the lost item. If fees are not paid for damaged or lost item, registration will be blocked and transcripts will not be released. Library privileges will also be suspended at all CUNY campuses.
Print reserves refer to textbooks and other monographs placed on reserve at the library by a professor for a particular class. Students with a valid DolphinCard or CUNY ID may borrow reserve items to use inside the library for a two-hour period. Reserve items are non-circulating, which means they cannot be taken out of the library. To borrow a reserve item, bring the call number of the item to the Circulation Desk. To find the call number of a reserve item, use the Textbook search below (or on our homepage), or ask a librarian at the reference desk on the 1st floor of the library for help.
Faculty and students may request that monographs used in their courses be placed on Print Reserves and restricted to in library use to ensure that all students have access to these resources. Please use the Print Reserves Request Form below to place a textbook request. Faculty are encouraged to place materials on Print Reserves at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. Items requested to be placed on Print Reserve may take up to two weeks to be processed from the time of request.
Faculty may bring in their own print textbooks or course desk copies from the publisher. Please contact Circulation directly at 718-982-4011 to initiate this process.
Library users can manage their account online via OneSearch, the library’s online catalog. From OneSearch, click on “My Account” and login with your library barcode. “My Account” allows you to:
CLICS (CUNY Libraries Inter-Campus Services) is a book delivery service which allows CUNY students, faculty and staff to borrow books from any CUNY library. This service extends only to standard loan materials (most circulating books). Borrowers must follow the lending library’s loan policy. For specific policies of CUNY Libraries see circulation policies of CUNY libraries.
Books borrowed through CLICS may be returned to any CUNY library without traveling back to the lending library. Special loan material, such as reserve and multimedia items, must be returned to the lending library.
Group study rooms are available for use for current CSI students.
Each student can book one study room session per day (2 hr session). If there is availability when it is due you can renew for an additional session (2 hr loan max).
The Library has 10 study rooms available for students (8 undergraduate rooms, 2 graduate study rooms). Students can reserve a room for up to 2 hours at a time. A CSI email address is required to make a reservation. For a list of available times, see: The name on your reservation must match the name on your ID. Headphones or earbuds required for audio.
Study rooms are located on the 2nd Floor that are available for two-hour periods to CSI students working in groups. Registration is required Group study rooms. Affter registration is approved the key can be checked out at the Circulation/Reserve Desk on the 1st floor of the library. Two valid IDs are needed to checkout a group study room. two students mustbe present in the study room at all times, and no more then six.
Group study rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis. Group members can be present a valid CSI ID Card to the Circulation/Reserves Desk staff in order to checkout a study room. The maximum allowed occupancy is six group members, Two students must be present to both check-out and renew a study room. One student will be checked out the room key and the other student will be checked out a plaque detailing group study room policies.
Undergraduate study rooms: are to be used by a minimum of 2 and no more than 6 individuals. No more than one room can be used by a single group at a given time. If there are more then two individuals present, the room can be recalled and all parties maybe unable to borrow a study room in the future.
Graduate study rooms: are to be used by a minimum of 2 graduate students and no more than 12 people. No more than one room can be used by a single group at a given time. If there are not two individuals present, the room can be recalled.
Rooms are available for up to two hours. Rooms can be renewed if:
Renewals can only be initiated in the last five minutes of the rental period and both individuals must be present for renewal.
We ask that you close the door when the room is in use. Please note that the rooms are not soundproof! Group conversations must not disturb other library users. Violation of noise policy can result in the loss of library privileges. Headphones are required for any audio.
Food is not permitted in the library, including Group study rooms. Closed drink containers are allowed.
The students registering for the group are responsible for the room key and the condition of the room. They must occupy the room for the entire length of time the room is in use. Please dispose of all trash, return all furniture to its original arrangement, and lock the door on the way out.
Keys and Policy Cards are non-transferable and may not be taken outside of the library. Keys and Policy Cards must be returned to the Circulation/Reserves Desk 5 minutes before the expiration of the time allotted and within 15 minutes of the library’s closing. A fine of $10.00 will be charged for every 15 minutes the key and Policy Card is late. A fine of $50.00 will be charged for a lost key and Policy Card.
Violation of these guidelines may result in the loss of library privileges and the future access to study room rental.
Users are blocked CUNY-wide from future borrowing and from remote access to the library’s databases if they have any overdue items, outstanding fines ($25 and above) or lost book charges. Additionally, students who have not returned overdue library materials, or owe fines and replacement fees of $10.00 and above will have a BURSAR Block placed on their account..
If you have a block you can’t register or get an official transcript until you have cleared it.
Bursar stops can only be removed after the fine is paid in person at the Bursar’s Office (2A-105). Bursar Stops can take up to 24 hours to clear. Questions regarding library fines should be directed to the library’s Circulation Desk (718.982.4011) or submitted via the Library Appeals Form:
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