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Writing Guides Available at CSI Library
- A Writer's Reference: Handbook for writing college papers and citing sources in APA, MLA, or Chicago style.
Location: 1st Fl Reserves PE1408.H2778 2007
- Craft of Research: Guide for planning, carrying out, and reporting on research for any field and at any level. Demonstrates how to choose a topic, plan and organize research, and draft and revise a report.
Location: 1st Fl Reference Q180.55.M4 B66 1995
- Handbook of Technical Writing: Guide to research, writing, and documentation in the sciences with abundant examples and sample documents
Location: 1st Fl Reference T11.B78 1997
- Science and Technical Writing: A Manual of Style: Offers instruction on how to write and publish scientific papers, including paragraphing, grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as how to present numbers, mathematical symbols and scientific notation.
Location: Stacks 3rd Floor ; T11 .S378 2001
- Scientific Writing: A Reader and Writer's Guide: Step-by-step guide to writing scientific research papers as well as useful tips for keeping readers engaged.
Location: 3rd Floor ; T11 .L455 2007
- Work of Writing: Insights and Strategies for Academics and Professionals: Offers instruction on producing lively and engaging academic writing; deals with the complex issues of purpose, audience, genre, and voice as opposed to technical details of structure and format.Location: Stacks 3rd Floor ; PE1404 .R356 2001
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