When using information from articles and books, you need to give credit to the writers who have contributed to your research.
Citing references is essential because it prevents plagiarism. Plagiarism is a violation of the College of Staten Island's Academic Integrity Policy. Baruch College's Plagiarism Tutorial is an excellent resource for this topic.
Citing your sources helps you to keep track of where you found the information in your paper. It also helps the reader (in most cases, your professor) find your references.
Citing your sources shows that you have an understanding of your subject, and enhances your credibility as a writer.
Here are some tools that will help you cite your sources:
» Excelsior OWL MLA Style
- MLA Works Cited
- MLA In-Text Citations
- MLA Style Demo: Videos
» Purdue OWL MLA Style
- MLA Sample Works Cited Page
- MLA Sample Paper
» Works Cited: A Quick Guide (MLA)
» ZoteroBib: Citation Generator
MLA Handbook, 8th Edition.
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