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Celebrating the 19th Amendment

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On This Day: Ratification of the 19th Amendment- Women's Suffrage

The 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees American women the right to vote, was ratified on August 18, 1920. After passing through Congress in June 1919, Tennessee became the final state needed to ratify the amendment on August 18, 1920.

Internet Sources for the Women's Suffrage Movement

Research Guides from the Library of Congress about finding resources about the 19th Amendment from the LOC collections and external sources.

Guide from the Library of Congress about scrapbooks and other resources related to the Women's Suffrage Movement.  Also includes links for teachers.

"U.S. Suffrage Movement Timeline, 1792 to Present," from the Susan B. Anthony Center at the University of Rochester.

"Suffrage at 100: A Visual History," images from The New York Times which bring into focus how the largest enfranchisement in American history came to pass, and the generations of women who made it happen.

Historic New York Suffragists provides brief biographies and additional resources related to New York suffragists.

Online Biographical Dictionary of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States from Alexander Street: Women and Social Movements.

Suffrage Centennial Series from the New-York Historical Society Museum & Library, a collection of essays and photos related to the suffrage movement.

Suffragist Gravesites in New York State, an interactive map from Women and the Vote NYS.

Black Women's Suffrage website from the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).

Women’s Rights National Historical Park tells the story of the first Women’s Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, NY on July 19-20, 1848.  It is a story of struggles for civil rights, human rights, and equality, global struggles that continue today.  The efforts of women’s rights leaders, abolitionists, and other 19th century reformers remind us that all people must be accepted as equals.

National Women’s Party at Sewall-Belmont Women’s Equality National Monument The National Woman’s Party at the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, celebrates women’s progress toward equality—and explores the evolving role of women and their contributions to society—through educational programs, tours, exhibits, research and publications.

New York State Women's Suffrage Commission offers programs and events celebrating the accomplishment of women's suffrage and the central role of New Yorkers in this milestone, including a history of New York suffrage and other resources.

"In Her Own Right" Women asserting their civil rights, 1820-1920: a project showcasing Philadelphia-area collections highlighting women's struggle leading to the passage of the 19th Amendment.

"Under this name she is fitly described": A Digital History of Gender in the History of Woman Suffrage, from the Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000. 

2020 Centennial Learning Center offers a collection of resources related to the anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment.

Suffrage School from Radcliffe's Schlesinger Library presents a series of videos commemorating the suffrage centennial.  Each module is not only a freestanding lesson but also an invitation to explore deeper research possibilities through digitized collections, data sets online exhibitions, and other teaching materials.

Spotlight: Digital Resources from the American Bar Association

A list of digital resources compiled by the American Bar Association related to passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, which includes links to articles and reports; videos and podcasts; and educational resources for teachers.

Highlights include:

More Internet Sources for the Women's Suffrage Movement

"Black Women & the Suffrage Movement: 1848-1923,” from Wesleyan University.

"Five You Should Know: African American Suffragists," from the National Museum of African American History & Culture.

"20 Suffragists to Know for 2020," from the National Parks Service.  Website for the documentary film, "Inez Milholland ~ Forward into Light," which includes biographical information, a gallery and resources page. 

"The Fight for Women’s Suffrage," the History Channel, includes articles, videos and speeches.

NYS WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE CENTENNIAL 1917-2017,  Humanities New York special initiative webpage.  In 2017, it will be 100 years since New York State signed women's suffrage into law, three years before the United States passed the 19th Amendment. To commemorate this important heritage, Humanities New York will foster a statewide dialog about the lasting legacy of women’s suffrage, and how it continues to shape American democracy today. Also check out their calendar for local related events

Crusader for the Vote, a website from the National Women's History Museum that includes a comprehensive resource center on the topic of Woman Suffrage.

Women of Protest: Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party this guide includes a comprehensive list of resources from the Library of Congress.

Long Island and the Woman Suffrage Movement, a website created by librarian and archivist Antonia Petrash that highlights the contributions of Long Island suffragists to the suffrage movement.