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New Library Research Guide: Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Racism

by Ashley Dirzis on 2024-04-03T17:24:00-04:00 in General & Multidisciplinary, History, Political Science, Sociology & Anthropology | 0 Comments


The College of Staten Island Library has recently published the research guide, "On Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Racism," written and compiled by Prof. Ashley Dirzis, Adjunct Librarian. This guide contains links to various organizations combatting Islamophobia and Ani-Arab racism, ways to report instances of bias and racism, and resources on how to request religious exemptions and accommodations. In addition to this, the guide lists physical books, eBooks, and documentaries about Islamophobia and Anti-Arab racism, all of which CSI students, faculty, and staff can access through their library logins


On Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Racism, A CSI Library Guide

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