Internet Resources offers two ways to rank journals: by "Eigenfactor" or by "Article Influence". You can obtain Eigenfactor Score and Article Influence Score of a particular journal in Journal Citation Reports database, or Search on website. ranks the influence of journals much as Google’s PageRank algorithm ranks the influence of web pages. The Eigenfactor® score of a journal is an estimate of the percentage of time that library users spend with that journal (see for details).
SCImago Journal Ranking is a weighted metric, similar to the Eigenfactor Score. The freely accessible web site contains rankings of more than 20,000 journals from the Scopus database, one of the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts & humanities. The website offers an easy interface for searching and comparing within subject categories.
Google Scholar provides Top 100 Publications by citation count. The Scholar Metrics ranks journals based on an H-Index score. To explore specific research areas, select one of the broad areas on the left colume of the website, click on the "Subcategories" link and then select one of the options (e.g.: Humanities, LIterature and Arts > Subcategories > Drama & Theater Arts). Google Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications, and to help authors as they consider where to publish their research.
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