Union catalog containing records of library holdings all over the world. Use WorldCat to locate books, journals, audio and video recordings, and archival materials held by other libraries. If an item you want is not available at CUNY, you can request it through CSI's interlibrary loan.
Ebook Central from ProQuest brings together several digital platforms into one easy-to-use database with over 200,000 books. For information about downloading and off-line reading, see our Ebook Central help guide. After 5 minutes of reading, or if you choose a download option, you MAY be asked to log-in to your College of Staten Island SLAS account.
Access to over 5,000 full text e-books across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Find full text scholarly and reference books in a variety of subjects, including business, economics, computer science, history, political science, art, literature, and science.
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Digital reference collection containing over 400 full text encyclopedias, almanacs, handbooks, and specialized reference books. Search for articles across all the books in the database or browse through specialized subject specific encyclopedias. All articles are also indexed in the library's primary catalog, OneSearch.
Over 20,000 full text ebooks and reference works, and 2,500 journals published by Springer. Core focus is science, technology, and medicine but includes some titles in the social sciences and humanities.
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